
CrimeStoppers is an independent charity dedicated to providing a service anonymously with information about crime. If you want to stop crime that hurt you and your community their service gives you an opportunity to speak out. Each of us have a responsibility to create a country where there are fewer victims of crime. To contact Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111 or visit the website: Or to report online

CrimeStoppers guarantee:

  • You will not be asked to reveal your name or any personal details.
  • Your call will not be recorded.
  • We have no caller line display, no 1471 facility and have never traced a call.
  • Online reports have the same level of anonymity as phone calls.
  • Our specially trained call agents make sure your report contains no information that could identify you.
  • We do not make a note of gender, accents, apparent age or ethnicity of any caller.
  • Even if you give personal details, they will not be recorded or passed on.

The only way anybody will know you contacted us is if you tell somebody.

Protecting your identity

If the identity of one of their callers was made known it would destroy trust in the service and no one would contact them. This is why it is so important to them that they can guarantee your anonymity.