Virtual Police Station


Follow what happens to a person when they report a crime to Sussex Police or get arrested and detained in one of the Custody centres around East and West Sussex.  There are two 360 degree tours to take.  One of a Police Station and how a victim would report a crime.  The Other 360 degree tour is from the perspective of a suspect who has been arrested and taken to one of the four Custody Centres around East and West Sussex.


Victim – Reporting the crime

Click on the menu to visit the Front office, Interview room or see an office where Police Officers work


Victim – Reporting the crime


Most police stations have a yellow telephone outside the front of the building.  The telephone can be used when the Police Station is closed.  There is no need to dial a number as your call will go directly to a police operator.

Some police stations in Sussex are open at various times.

You will be greeted by a helpful polite enquiry officer. Who will take details to help you report a crime or incident.

If the crime or incident is of a serious nature you may see the first available police officer.

Less serious crimes may require an officer to contact you with an appointment for secondary investigation.


Outside a Virtual Police Station calling the Police

Victim – Reporting the crime

When a Police Station is open you are able to enter the front office and speak to a Police Staff member who will assist you to report a crime.


Victim – Reporting the crime

This officer is writing a statment on your behalf about the crime you were involved with in an interview room.  If you are unable to come to the police station an officer may attend your home address.

A statement you give may lead to what is called a secondary investigation. Where further evidence is collated from potential witnesses, cctv.

An arrest or interview may occur on a potential suspect.


Victim – Reporting the crime

A ‘behind the scenes’ view of a Police Officer and Police Staff working area.


Everything we do is victim led, so you have a say in what happens next


In Custody


In certain circumstances the suspect has to be arrested and taken to their nearest available custody help establish the facts of an alledged crime.  

Click on the menu to chose your 360 degree view inside one of Sussex Polices Custody Reception Centres.


Suspect – In custody

Being handcuffed is required for the safety of the detaind person and others to prevent escape and prevent damage to property.  Handcuffs are uncomfortable but should not cause injury.


Suspect – In custody

When you arrive at the police station you are placed into a holding area.

The officer will write your details onto a form and will list the reason for your arrest.


Suspect – in custody

Being searched by an officer

You will be presented to a Custody Sargeant or detention person at the Custody Reception Desk. There primary role is your welfare and to ensure you are kept safe and well whilst you return in detention.  They have no part in the investigation of the crime you have been allegedly been invloved with.  All detained persons are searched prior to going into a cell and your personal detials are entered on to a computer for later use.

Your property is listed and locked away. These are given back upon your release.

On occasion items and clothing are taken from you and seized by the police, as they maybe linked to the offence that you are suspected of.

Items such as belts and shoelaces are removed personal safety.

On most occasions your fingerprints and a DNA sample (usually a mouth swab) will be taken from you and checked against the Police National Database.


Suspect – in custody

Waiting in the Cell

After you have been searched and your detials of who you are have been taken,  you are then be placed in a cell.  It has a toilet and sink. There is also a Dry Cell with no running water.   A CCTV camera will be monitoring you all the time to ensure your safety and wellbeing.   If you are waiting in the cell for a long time, food and drink will be given to you.  Reading material maybe given to you, if requested. 

You will never be placed in a cell with another person.


Suspect – in custody

Being interviewed in a room

The next stage is an interview in a room.   All interviews are audio recorded and on some occasions video recorded.

You may have to have an interpreter if English is not your first language.

Some interviewees request a legal representative. A duty solicitor is avaiable 24 hours a day, who will ensure you are given independant legal advice free of charge.


Suspect – in custody

After the interview

After the interview a decision has to be made on the case.

These are the following options of what happens next:

1 –  Released without charge.  Which means there is insufficient evidence to proceed with the case.

2 – You are issued with a Community Resolution (Community Resolution is the term for the resolution of a minor offence or anti-social behaviour incident through informal agreement between the parties involved, as opposed to progression through the traditional criminal justice process) or Penalty Notice for Disorder..

3 – Receive a Police Saution or in case of a child a referral to the Youth Offending Team.

4. Released on Police Bail to return to the Police Station at a later date, so that further enquries can be made by the investigating offcers.

5 – You will be Charged with offence if there is sufficient evidence to proceed and there are no out of Court Disposals available.

Following a charge you will be either Released on Court Bail to attend a Court date or in certian circumstances you will be remanded in Cusody. 

Remember even if charged you are assumed innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law.

Depending on the offence you may have to attend a Magistrates Court for plea hearing and then a trial if you decide to plead ‘Not Guilty’.

If the case is serious the Crown Court with a jury will be arranged.


INFORMATION FOR FAMILIES, FRIENDS AND CARERS  When a person is involved with police and criminal justice system —> CLICK HERE


Please note: These photographs are staged with the help of officers and staff from Sussex Police, who we would like to thank for their time and support in making this virtual police station.


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